Helping you support the Sangha
The role of Sanghata is to provide support for the basic needs (requisites) of the Pacific Hermitage monastics. Financial stewardship is a primary function. Financial support for the Pacific Hermitage all comes from donations, whether they be one-time gifts, monthly offerings or donations made during the annual Pah Bah, which is the the Pacific Hermitage’s primary source of funding. As such, Sanghata plays a prominent role in the annual Pah Bah. 100% of all offerings are used to support the Pacific Hermitage monastics.
Sanghata is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit corporation registered in the state of Oregon. All offerings to Sanghata are tax exempt.
2020 Review and 2021 Financial Outlook
Operating expenses were $40,830 in 2020. This very lean budget provided for upkeep on the property and care of the monks. Thanks to the generosity of donors around the world, we anticipate starting construction on the Abbot’s kuti in 2021.
Sanghata’s financial stewardship in support of the Pacific Hermitage is summarized in the simplified financial statements below. The “Income” column reflects the overwhelming generosity of the lay community in offering financial support for the monastics and purchase of the Pacific Hermitage properties. Also, apparent in the “Fixed Assets” column, are the 2011 purchase and 2014 transfer of ownership of the original Hermitage property to the Abhayagiri Monastic Foundation (AMF), the stewarding nonprofit for the Hermitage’s parent monastery. A second parcel was purchased in 2014 and this parcel was transferred to AMF in 2018.

Monetary donations are welcome. For options, please visit the Donate page.